Operating as T-Line Bus System within the City limits of Texarkana, Arkansas, and Texarkana, Wake Village and Nash, Texas.
ADA complementary service operates the same days and hours that fixed route service is provided. Curb-to-curb service to elgible personas with disabilities.
Learn MoreManagement and fiscal services provided by Ark-Tex Council of Governments.
Learn MoreEnter your starting and ending address, or simply click on the end point circle and drag it to where you want to go. The map will highlight and give you more information about your route!
Google Tansit MapTicket prices for adults, youths, students, seniors, and disabled. Monthly passes available as well as one-way trip tickets. Transfers are free to passengers with cash fares or tickets.
Learn moreT-Line is currently working to provide new Advertisement Opportunities to our Local Businesses!
Learn MoreWe provide transportation services to eight fixed routes as well as ADA Paratransit curb-to-curb transportation to eligible persons with disabilities.
Learn morePassengers requesting reasonable modifications should describe what modifications they need in order to use the service. Whenever feasible, requests for modifications should be made and determined in advance of the scheduled trip. If modifications cannot be made in advance,
T-LINE staff will make a determination of whether the modification should be provided at the time of request.
To request a Reasonable Modification, please call 903-794-8883.
ADA Paratransit services provide curb-to-curb transportation to eligible persons with disabilities .
Questions?All of our drivers are hard working individuals that deserve to be occasionally recognized for their work.If a driver has shown you extra courtesy, has gone out of their way to help you or has impressed you in any way, please let us know so that we may acknowledge this to the driver.
Please contact us and tell us how a driver served to help with your transportation needs!